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    Data Eco$y$tem
    Data Management and Pricing in the Cloud

    Projects, Publications and Software


    We study problems at the intersection of pricing and data management in emerging cloud-computing environments.



    • Nodira Khoussainova (alumni)
    • Paraschos Koutris
    • Prasang Upadhyaya
    • Daniel Yang Li


    • Magdalena Balazinska
    • Bill Howe
    • Dan Suciu



    Cloud-computing is transforming many aspects of data management. Most recently, the cloud is seeing the emergence of digital markets for data and associated services. We observe that our community has a lot to offer in building successful cloud-based data markets. In this project, we investigate some of the key challenges that such markets face and we build tools for supporting them.

    • Data Markets in the Cloud: An Opportunity for the Database Community
      Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, and Dan Suciu
      VLDB 2011

    The following paper discusses a framework for pricing relational data, along with several interesting open problems and challenges.

    • A Discussion on Pricing Relational Data
      Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, Paraschos Koutris, Dan Suciu and Prasang Upadhyaya

    Current mechanisms for pricing data are very simple: buyers can choose only from a set of explicit views, each with a specific price. In the following work, we propose a framework for pricing data on the Internet that, given the price of a few views, allows the price of any query to be derived automatically. We call this capability query-based pricing.

    • Query-Based Data Pricing
      Paraschos Koutris, Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, and Dan Suciu
      PODS 2012

    An implementation of the pricing framework was presented as a demo at VLDB 2012.

    • QueryMarket Demonstration: Pricing for Online Data Markets
      Paraschos Koutris, Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, and Dan Suciu
      PVLDB 5(12):1962-1965, 2012

    We will be presenting a paper on our data pricing system (QueryMarket) at SIGMOD 2013.

    • Toward Practical Query Pricing with QueryMarket
      Paraschos Koutris, Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, and Dan Suciu
      SIGMOD 2013


    Personal data has huge value, both its owner and to institutions who would like to analyze it. As the awareness of the value of the personal data increases, there is a drive in industry to compensate the end user for her private information. This paper proposes a theory on how to price private data.

    • A Theory of Pricing Private Data
      Chao Li, Daniel Yang Li, and Dan Suciu
      ICDT 2013 中国怎么上ins


    When valuable data is exchanged or bought, it is frequently encumbered by restrictions on how it may be used. For ex_ ample, clinical data must not be used in such a way as to ex_ pose the patients’ identities. To date, these restrictions are enforced only contractually and compliance is checked only manually, if at all. To meet the needs of this growing set of applications we explore the design of a Data Use Manager and research efficient algorithms for its implementation as a component of a database system that enables the declarative specification and enforcement of sophisticated data use policies and provides capabilities for both their online enforcement and offline audit.

    • Stop That Query! The Need for Managing Data Use
      Prasang Upadhyaya, Nick Anderson, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, Raghav Kaushik, Ravi Ramamurthy, and Dan Suciu
      CIDR, 2013
    • The Power of Data Use Management in Action
      Prasang Upadhyaya, Nick Anderson, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, Raghav Kaushik, Ravi Ramamurthy, and Dan Suciu
      ACM SIGMOD, 2013
    • Automatic Enforcement of Data Use Policies with DataLawyer
      Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, and Dan Suciu
      ACM SIGMOD, 2015
    • github


    Data-management-as-a-service systems are increasingly used in collaborative settings, where multiple users access common data sets. Cloud providers have the choice to implement various optimizations, such as indexing or materialized views, to accelerate queries over these datasets. Each optimization carries a cost and may benefit multiple users. This creates a major challenge: how to select which optimizations to perform and share their cost among users. The problem is especially challenging when users are selfish and will only report their true values for different optimizations if it maximizes their utility. We study mechanism-design-based techniques for addressing this challenge.

    • How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud
      Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, and Dan Suciu
      PVLDB 5(6):562-573, 2012
      [Technical report; BibTeX]


    The Data Eco$y$tem project is partially supported by the National Science Foundation and Microsoft through NSF CiC grant 中国怎么上ins and NSF grant IIS-0915054 and additional gifts from Microsoft Research. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.



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